it is tiring to see this love fall apart.
it is far more exasperating to see them give up
it is painful to see them in despair
it is hard to accept that nobody wanna sit and talk
why is it so hard to pull our hearts together?


A War (0)

I cried (without tears) 
As i couldn't even remember
What love means
How it felt like
What the uncertainty would bring me to

I shut it off

I killed my own emotions
The scars even hid its very existance
Veiled the blood stains
The emotions were forgotten
He thought it was for the right reason

But I was...

Screaming, calling for a savior
Pull harder to seize it once again

Just once

To breath

To feel

To have a story to be told
To have a secret to be kept


Give me a new one
The one that would understand
And adapt

The one that makes me human

