bulan2 posa nih, bleyh plk aku tgk horoskop aku.
mula2 tgk kat tumblr follower, pastu teringin la plk nak tgk aku nya characteristic btul ke dgn ape y tertulis.
ruler,mars element fire ..focus in short burst,unlikely to sustain interest in long term....ego expression....honest and FORTHRIGHT |
spontaneous-sgt true EXTREMELY impatient-sgt true easily bored-true |
short tempered-true act impatiently,yes impulsiveness, yess |
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violence uncontrolled impulsive energy~~~~gila true |
daredevil, foolhardy.~~~~~~~~O_O it's all about me! |
element:fire... ruler:mars
bila baca, like....what?betul ka nih? bg aku horoscope ni tak da la mcm org y tolong baca firasat and merapu merapan..tapi, bila aku compare dri satu pages ke pages web lain, kbnyakan nya nak sama...
so, kita leyh conclude la kat sini,berdasarkan kajian and kebanyakan org y lahir pd bulan2 tetentu ni, ada sifat2 y sama....coincident ke? entah la.......
shockingly what they wrote was my true colours.
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