We kind of selfish when we thought that nobody would listen and understand what we've gone through. Coz theres always someone who'll know and feel the same way you've ever felt before. Somebody, some stranger you barely known...but it's weird when they care about you, they wanted to know your story....
I am selfish, but to read the entry, it makes me realise, you are never alone..i've read your story from the very beginning to the life you're having now, part of it resemble my story, my life, and the pain is the same..
I know when sometimes, you tried to tell people how excruciating you are, but you just cant find the words to make them understnd.. Yeah i know that feeling... And when you have to endure eveything by yourself, disguise with the fake smiles and laughters just to make you forget....
I know it well dear... So please read this, as a friend....There are strangers out there who read your story , reminiscence the same slides of poignant memories in their mind, wounded by the same reasons....
We'll fight for it right?
P/s: entry credited to your blog... Yes you...
Evryone deserves the smile~ with no exception on you...
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